Celebrate your child’s next milestone birthday at The Collaroy Centre

Celebrate your child’s next milestone birthday at The Collaroy Centre

Every year is a milestone birthday when kids are young but as they start to get older, many parents are now opting to save the party planning for a few key benchmark ages.

As for the ‘in-between’ years, instead of throwing a party with all the bells and whistles, these savvy parents celebrate modestly with dinner at a favourite restaurant or a simple family outing like the movies or camping.

How to make a milestone birthday truly special

The catch is, to make this approach worthwhile in the eye’s of your birthday girl/boy, milestone birthdays do require a little something extra. But there’s no better place to find it than at The Collaroy Centre.

The Collaroy Centre specialises in throwing the biggest and best parties. We provide adventure activities to suit a variety of interests and all-inclusive packages to save you money and allow you to focus your efforts on the other, more important details (like the decor!). Check out our Virtual Tour to see why this place is truly amazing and fun for a birthday party.

What ages count as milestones?

There are no hard and fast rules to the milestone birthday approach so you can get as creative as you want. You can choose to save the big celebrations for the day they turn their favourite number or the actual calendar date of their birthday (ex. James turns 9 on the 9th of June) Or you can go a more traditional route and celebrate the ages listed below. Each represents a life benchmark.

  • Age 10 (They’ve hit the double digits, no turning back now)
  • Age 13 (They’re officially a teenager, yikes!)
  • Age 16 (They can now drive a car)
  • Age 18 (This one is bittersweet, they’re almost an adult and are old enough to vote)

Reasons why this is a brilliant strategy

If you decide to go this route it builds a lot more anticipation and limits the possibility of expectations growing greater each year. It also paves the way for quality time with your daughter/son because it allows you to take your time and plan every last detail with them. You can use up all the creative might the two of you can muster to host the most amazing day possible.

Let’s face it – coming up with fabulous fresh ideas year after year can be difficult. Plus having the energy and time to be super host at every party is an unreasonable expectation. That is why ‘outsourcing’ has become the ‘go-to’ phrase. Let The Collaroy Centre take the pressure off at every level of party planning. All you need to do is invite friends – we’ll handle the rest!

No matter what you decide The Collaroy Centre is here to help. We have been hosting birthday parties for kids of all ages for over 15 years. Enquire Today if you want to learn more or book your next birthday bash.